Average GRE Scores for MBA Programs, 2024

Test scores are extremely important to business schools when evaluating potential candidates. The two most commonly accepted admissions examinations, the GMAT and the GRE, give Admissions Committees a standardized measure for comparing applicants. Although there are differences between the exams in terms of content and structure, most MBA programs have no stated preference for GMAT vs GRE scores.

The GMAT has a history of being the most prominent business school entrance exam, but the GRE has gained popularity in recent years. Accepted by 1200+ MBA programs worldwide, the GRE exam measures test takers’ skills in verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and analytical writing.

This article will compare average GRE scores of admitted applicants at the world’s leading business schools. Drawing from published GRE figures from school websites, the following tables can help you determine whether your GRE score is competitive enough to earn you a spot, and possibly scholarship money, at top MBA programs.

Average GRE Scores at Top US MBA Programs, Classes of 2025-2019

This table highlights the average GRE scores for MBA programs in the US.

MBA ProgramClass of 2025Class of 2024Class of 2023Class of 2022Class of 2021Class of 2020Class of 2019
Stanford GSB328327330329330330329
Harvard Business School326326326326326328328
The Wharton School324324324322324N/AN/A
Northwestern Kellogg326N/A327*326*N/AN/AN/A
Chicago Booth325N/A325324N/AN/AN/A
Columbia Business SchoolN/A322N/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
MIT Sloan324325325N/A324N/AN/A
Dartmouth Tuck322N/A324320324N/A319
Berkeley Haas324324323322323329325
Virginia Darden321319321319321328323
Yale SOM330329330328329328329
Duke Fuqua318318317314319319321
Michigan Ross321320320317319320320
UT Austin McCombs321319319318318317316
Cornell JohnsonN/A324323321320320322
UCLA Anderson327326326316326326328
NYU Stern326325324324322324323
Carnegie Mellon Tepper324324323321323320321
UNC Kenan-FlaglerN/A318316317316317316
Emory GoizuetaN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
USC Marshall323321321321320318319
Georgetown McDonough318317317317315317314
UW Foster322*319321318319315318
Rice Jones317316317313317317321
Note: a) The GRE scores mentioned above are the combined totals of both GRE Verbal and GRE Quant sections, as sourced from the official business school website.
b) * indicates Median GRE Score

A good GRE score is subjective, depending on your target schools. Therefore, rather than using ETS-published percentile scores to determine how competitive your score is, you should focus on the averages from previous incoming classes of specific programs. Most international business schools consider a score of 325 or above to be a good GRE score, and an average GRE score above 330 will allow you to apply to top MBA programs worldwide.

Be prepared for the GRE changes in 2023 with our dedicated GRE tutors, ensuring you’re equipped for success in the evolving landscape.

How Should You Evaluate Average B-School GRE Scores?

If you see that your current GRE score is lower than the average for your target programs, check out our free GRE study materials for advice on how (and what) to study. A low GRE score can keep you out of your dream school of business, so it is vital to adequately prepare if you plan to retake the GRE exam.

If your score falls at or just above your target school’s average, you still might want to retake the exam as an impressive GRE score increases your chances of winning merit-based scholarships, in addition to distinguishing you from other applicants.

Good GRE scores alone do not ensure admission to top MBA programs of 2024—there are many other factors Admissions Committees consider, such as your resume, letters of recommendation, and application essays.

Prospective students should research their target programs beyond statistics about test scores. Looking at class profiles can help you get a sense of the undergraduate major, work experience, and demographics of previous incoming students. The more knowledge you have about your target MBA program, the better you can tailor and refine your application.


If you are applying to highly competitive programs, you need to ensure that every aspect of your MBA application makes you stand out from other candidates. This includes setting a high enough target MBA GRE score. Although fewer business schools accept the GRE as compared to the GMAT, high GRE scores can still earn you a spot at top business schools.

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