MBA Admissions Consulting by Menlo Coaching

Get the white-glove treatment with Menlo Coaching’s MBA admissions consulting service. With the lowest client-to-consultant ratio of any firm, we offer unlimited coaching support on your MBA applications, from start to finish.

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Don’t Just Take Your Chances at an Elite MBA.

Stack The Odds In Your Favor.

As an MBA applicant, you’ll find hundreds of ways to ask yourself the question:

“What if?”

  • What if my profile is too vanilla?
  • What if I have a blindspot in my application?
  • What if I procrastinate, or rush through an important step?
  • What if I overlook a key part of my story?
  • What if I take the wrong approach in my essays?

At the end of the day, all of this self-doubt add-ups to the same worry:

What if I blow my chances at a top MBA program—and if I had done things differently, could I have gotten in?

The truth is, feelings of self-doubt are fairly logical when you consider the challenge you’re up against.

An MBA from an elite program represents a one-shot opportunity to change the course of your life.

There are so many things an MBA can bring…

  • An exponential increase in salary
  • More meaningful responsibilities and challenges 
  • Advancement within your industry
  • The freedom to switch careers

But when you’re targeting top schools, the competition is incredibly tough.

We’re talking programs with single-digit and low double-digit acceptance rates…

With a long-line of accomplished, well-qualified candidates waiting at the door.

To succeed here, you’ll need to hone in on that one perfect angle to your story that is so interesting and exciting, it convinces the AdCom to choose you over all the other students waiting to take your place.

That’s why asking what-if questions during this process is not just logical. It’s self-preservation.

Because at the end of the day, if an MBA is really your dream, you’re only hurting yourself by not giving the application everything you’ve got. 

And all that self-doubt should motivate you to seize this moment and commit yourself to the work ahead.

So that when deadlines arrive, you won’t have to admit: “I Could Have Done More.”

You’ll Say, with Confidence:
“This Is The Best MBA Application I’m Capable Of.”

You can’t underestimate this process—you have got to understand that you are playing on a different level. You have these elite, high-level performers, all gunning for a spot at the school you want to get into—your dream school! And their essays, their resume, everything about them is going to be top-notch.

Tony Abreu
Tony Abreu
Wharton, Class of 2022

MBA Admissions Consulting
For Applicants Who Are Ready to Do What It Takes

In the competitive world of MBA admissions, preparation is key.

And overpreparation?

That’s a competitive advantage. 

At Menlo Coaching, we help you achieve maximum impact with your MBA application by excessively preparing you at every stage of the process, leaving no room for second guessing or what-ifs.

This overpreparation comes in many forms. For example:

  • We’ll put you through an “MBA crash course,” with some 50+ HD videos spread across 15-modules, covering everything you need to know about the MBA application and admissions process in manageable steps
  • We’ll give you unlimited 1:1 time with an expert consultant to ensure no important detail in your personal life or professional history goes unnoticed  
  • We’ll challenge you to write and re-write critical application items like your resume and essays, sometimes going 10, 15, or even 20+ rounds before we finalize each document
  • We’ll work alongside your recommenders to help them deliver the best possible letters of recommendation 
  • And after all that hard work on the written materials, we’ll get you in the best possible shape for your MBA interviews, with multiple mock practice sessions and communications training with professional actors

All of this work is crucial for success at the best programs. 

And yet you won’t find a process like ours anywhere else.

Maybe you’re wondering—

Why wouldn’t other MBA admissions consulting firms offer this same level of attentiveness?   

The answer is structural. To support our exhaustive approach to MBA admissions, we’ve adopted two key policies as a company that stand in contrast to the way other firms work:

#1: Client Load

We give our MBA admissions consultants the time and energy to invest in your application by drastically limiting the number of clients they handle in a given round.

Some MBA admissions consulting firms might pair a senior consultant with up to 50 clients—but there’s no way to deliver high-quality, high-value personalized attention with client loads that high.

That’s why we cap our consultants at an absolute max of 25 comprehensive clients per year, and most take even fewer. Of course, you’ll never be the only client your consultant is working with—but you’ll likely feel that way.

#2: Hiring Principles

Our primary requirements for hiring a consultant are their fundamental skills in understanding career paths, in their ability to consult and nurture MBA applicants, and their talent as writers and storytellers.

Being an MBA graduate or former admissions officer is not enough to work at Menlo Coaching.

To fulfill our model, underlying skills in coaching are of paramount importance. This means that, by nature, our MBA admissions consultants are better equipped to help you identify and communicate your unique value—both as a student and as a pre- and post-MBA professional—to the admissions committees. 

These policies allow us to deliver an end-to-end service that is educational, transformative, and personally rewarding.

And yes, demanding too: we’ll challenge you to do your best work, and we won’t settle for “good enough.” 

Here’s How Our MBA Admissions Consultants Push You To Your Maximum Potential

Unlimited Everything

Unlimited questions, unlimited calls, unlimited drafts, unlimited support…

  • Access to course content, client-only resources, and our database of MBA profiles, essay prompts, and submission deadlines 
  • Zoom meetings, brainstorming sessions, and emails with your coach
  • Any questions you have, no matter how big or small
  • Essay revisions
  • MBA mock interviews

Individual Attention 

Through 1:1 sessions, your consultant will learn about your passions and interests, your personal history, and all the things that make you tick. 

Our MBA admissions consultants have a keen eye for bringing out the unexpected: as they chart a mental map of your life, they’ll be better prepared to pick out stories, motivations, and themes for your application that you might never have considered. 

As mentors and thought-partners, they’ll provide advice and encouragement, and they’ll work with you to craft engaging MBA applications that are authentically, uniquely “you.” 


We know that time is of the essence. 

You’re busy, and you need to optimize the precious free time you have to work on your applications efficiently and effectively.

That’s why your consultant’s availability is never a limiting factor in your progress, and fast turnaround times come standard—where other MBA admissions consulting firms might charge extra for a quicker tempo, we view speed of execution as a basic necessity in high-stakes MBA admissions. 

So, what does this look like in practice?

The Most Comprehensive, Obsessively Thorough,
Leave-No-Stone-Unturned Approach To MBA Admissions Consulting Available Anywhere.

Applications Platform

In order to support you and your consultant, we’ve invested heavily in digital tools that eliminate some of the “busy work” that goes into MBA applications.

Once you sign-up to work with Menlo Coaching, you’ll have instant access to our Applications Platform—your hub for the entire MBA workflow. 

The Menlo Coaching Applications Platform includes:

  • A 15-module educational course covering application basics, with 50+ HD videos and PDF handouts
  • A to-do list of core action items, which serves as a staging ground for the most important elements of your application
  • Built-in tagging capabilities, ensuring that you, your coach, and your associate are always up-to-date
  • Our database of MBA program deadlines, essay prompts, recommender questions, and decision dates, which keeps you organized as you begin to work on school-specific content
  • A custom-built progress tracking dashboard that presents the entire MBA workflow in one overview
The Menlo Coaching Applications Platform gives you everything you need to understand and track your MBA application. Click the image to open a demo!
Meet Your Team

The MBA journey is a long and lonely road…

But not for you.

Early in the on-boarding process, you’ll meet your Associate: a supporting team-member dedicated to your success.

Associates wear many hats: project managers, copyeditors, researchers, and troubleshooters. They’ll send you weekly messages to keep your priorities up-to-date and check-ins messages to make sure you’re sticking to deadlines. They’ll assist with everything from planning to record keeping to admin. And they’ll help ensure that every piece of your application is polished and ready for submission.

But the extra support doesn’t end there. 

Depending on your needs, your consultant may call in another consultant to weigh in on application strategy; to lend a hand in brainstorming; or to provide expert insight into a particular career path.

And when it comes time to prep for your MBA interviews, you’ll complete a mock session with at least one other Menlo Coaching staff member who is not your consultant.

At Menlo Coaching, our consultants, tutors and associates have what it takes to get you into the right MBA program.
School Selection

While you will typically decide on a preliminary school list before signing up for our comprehensive service, your consultant will make sure that you’ve fully considered the academic strengths, location and culture, and overall ROI of all your potential targets before finalizing your list.

You’ll also read candid campus visit reports from former Menlo Coaching clients, not available to anyone but Menlo Coaching clients.

Once your school selection is finalized, your consultant will help you develop an application strategy for each school, adjusted specifically to match your goals and unique profile strengths.

Crafting a Compelling Career Goal Argument

Whether pivoting to a new career or advancing in your industry, talking through your career goals is another crucial first discussion you’ll have with your coach.

Articulating your post-MBA goals at the beginning of the process will help form a strong foundation for school research, networking, essay writing, and even interviewing.

As part of this early brainstorming work, you’ll generate a Career Goals Master Document, which will serve as important reference material during the essay writing stage.


An upfront investment in networking will pay off in ways you would never expect.

For example, when it comes time to write your essays, you’ll be able to cite specific people, classes, and qualities that explain how you came to form your post-MBA goals and your interest in each MBA program. 

That’s why, in the early stages, your consultant will help you optimize jam-packed networking schedules and teach you to make the most out of every event. You’ll have instant answers to all of the numerous questions that come up about networking etiquette, and you’ll learn best practices for cold outreach to current students.

In fact, we think networking is so important that we’ve built an in-house database of MBA profiles across the T25 for our clients. With some 70,000+ entries, our database is a handy tool for finding potential networking contacts. 

Perfecting Your MBA Resume

Your resume needs to be “MBA” ready—not “job seeking” ready. After all, it’s likely to be the very first document seen by the AdCom.

Draft after draft, your consultant will work with you to ensure that you convey your achievements in concrete, jargon-free terms.

In the process, you’ll start to see your resume from the point of view of an Admissions Officer, a crucial perspective for admission success. You’ll also gain a better understanding of the skills and experiences that most business schools value—and how to present them in every bullet.

Balancing Your Schedule and Meeting Deadlines

MBA admissions is a marathon, not a sprint. 

That means, in addition to the major school deadlines at the end of the round, you’ll have lots of smaller deadlines throughout the process.

Breaking the process into manageable steps makes the experience less stressful overall, and it helps to prevent any last-minute rush right before deadlines.

Working in Private Equity, I was used to being in situations where you were pulling a couple of all-nighters to meet a deadline. I did not want any of that to touch my MBA process.

I worked with my consultant as early as possible and just chipped away at it in small bits. I actually finalized my application a week ahead of the submission deadline—that was a new experience for me. When you start early and chip away little by little—the returns compound.

Megan Roberts
Megan Roberts
Admitted to HBS + GSB + Wharton. HBS Class of 2022
New York
Telling Your Story

Our service comes to a head during your personal story call.

The personal story call is a deep dive into your past. During a 1:1 session lasting two hours on average, you and your consultant will explore everything from your childhood to your time in college all the way through to your current job.

As you lead your consultant on a tour through your life, they will take copious notes and ask poignant questions that draw out deeper reflection.

The stories and personal qualities uncovered during your call will feed directly into your Master Story Document, a roadmap to the overarching narrative that you will draw on throughout your application.

Writing Your Essays

If you asked MBA applicants “what is the most challenging aspect of the application?,” the vast majority would say:

Essay writing.

There’s no denying that writing MBA essays can be a daunting task.

But by building on the foundation set in your Master Story Document, your consultant will take you through the writing process one essay at a time, providing valuable, timely feedback with every draft.

And because MBA essays tend to fall into one of 4 categories, your consultant will be able to break down the workflow into logical segments—for example, if you’re applying to Harvard Business School, you would always start with the core HBS essay; from here, the rest of the personal essays become incrementally easier to complete.

Guiding Your Recommenders

The importance of recommendation letters is sometimes underestimated by applicants.

But these letters are an external perspective on your candidacy, written by someone who knows you in a professional capacity and can speak to your skills and abilities from firsthand experience—a crucial point of view for MBA Admissions Officers.

Depending on your relationship with each proposed recommender, your consultant will help you select the two people who will know your work well and who will be in the best position to highlight your strengths.

Once both recommenders are on-board, you will step away from the process and your consultant will step in.

Not only will your consultant assist with the nuts and bolts of their letter, but because of their deep understanding of your career history and strengths, they will often be able to provide feedback on the content of the recommendation that your recommender might not have included outright.

Despite having strong relationships with my recommenders, discussing the content of the letter was a tricky task at best. Rebecca stepped into this process, skillfully working with my recommenders so that they could write the best letter possible. Afterward, one of my recommenders commented that working with Rebecca helped him deliver the strong letter that he wanted to, avoiding a few pitfalls that he wasn’t aware of.

Class of 2024: Admitted at Stanford and Wharton
New York
Final Checks

An MBA application is the sum of numerous details.

As you prepare to submit, it’s vital to make sure that every element is in its place.

Between your consultant and your associate, you’ll have two pairs of eyes reviewing your application forms, looking for any small errors that might add up to something more significant.

Prep for Interviews

As you head into your MBA interviews, you’ll want to feel confident and calm.

Your interview prep will take a number of forms. First, you’ll go through at least one mock interview with your consultant.

In addition to your consultant, you’ll also give a mock interview with our resident MBA interview expert, Obinna Arizor.

Obinna has conducted over 400 actual and mock MBA interviews. He is keenly familiar with the evaluation process and how one’s interview performance complements their written application.

In addition to Obinna, every client also goes through professional communications training with Fearless Communicators, a firm that specializes in developing confident self-expression. 

Working with one of their trainers—including Broadway actors—you’ll learn to harness the power of your presence in the room to make a stronger impression on your interviewers.

This unique approach to MBA interview prep is not offered by any other firm, and for many clients, it becomes a transformational portion of the service, as the skills learned during this portion of our work together will carry into the rest of your professional life. 

I think one of the most helpful processes from Menlo Coaching is the interview preparation. You go about mock interview from different angles, not just with your consultant, but with other people who might not know you as well, so there’s a fresh perspective.

Then the communications training with professional actors teaches you to approach the interview like a stage performance. For the first time in my life, I felt calm and comfortable going into an interview.

Peter Lu
Peter Lu
Harvard Business School, Class of 2023
Accepting an Offer

For an MBA applicant, it’s the best problem to have: choosing between all the schools that accepted you.

Though it’s an enviable position to be in, it can still be difficult to evaluate all your options.

In many ways, your coach is in the best position to help you make a final decision: through the process, your consultant has come to know you as an MBA applicant better than anyone else, and they will be able to help you decide the right fit for your goals and your personal situation.

Scholarship Negotiation

Once you’ve narrowed your list down, either to a few schools or to just one, there is sometimes room to negotiate scholarship money. 

Your consultant can help you with the proper etiquette for this stage, giving you advice about what’s appropriate to ask for, and how to go about doing it.

If there is room for negotiation at this stage, and you follow the guidance of your consultant, there is a high chance for admission success.

When I think about what I got out of this process—getting into five schools and into my dream school with a scholarship—and how far I went in just two years, I think about Menlo Coaching. I will always look back and know that Menlo was a critical part of me getting to where I am now. And you know, I don’t think you can really put a price on that.

Jon Lorenz
Julia Bevilaqua
Wharton, Class of 2021

The Most Comprehensive, Obsessively Thorough,
Leave-No-Stone-Unturned Approach To MBA Admissions Consulting Available Anywhere.

Explore our process, step by step.

Applications Platform

In order to support you and your consultant, we’ve invested heavily in digital tools that eliminate some of the “busy work” that goes into MBA applications.

Once you sign-up to work with Menlo Coaching, you’ll have instant access to our Applications Platform—your hub for the entire MBA workflow. 

The Menlo Coaching Applications Platform includes:

  • A 15-module educational course covering application basics, with 50+ HD videos and PDF handouts
  • A to-do list of core action items, which serves as a staging ground for the most important elements of your application
  • Built-in tagging capabilities, ensuring that you, your consultant, and your associate are always up-to-date
  • Our database of MBA program deadlines, essay prompts, recommender questions, and decision dates, which keeps you organized as you begin to work on school-specific content
  • A custom-built progress tracking dashboard that presents the entire MBA workflow in one overview
The Menlo Coaching Applications Platform gives you everything you need to understand and track your MBA application. Click the image to open a demo!
Meet Your Team

The MBA journey is a long and lonely road…

But not for you.

Early in the on-boarding process, you’ll meet your Associate: a supporting team-member dedicated to your success.

Associates wear many hats: project managers, copyeditors, researchers, and troubleshooters. They’ll send you weekly messages to keep your priorities up-to-date and check-ins messages to make sure you’re sticking to deadlines. They’ll assist with everything from planning to record keeping to admin. And they’ll help ensure that every piece of your application is polished and ready for submission.

But the extra support doesn’t end there. 

Depending on your needs, your consultant may call in another consultant to weigh in on application strategy; to lend a hand in brainstorming; or to provide expert insight into a particular career path.

And when it comes time to prep for your MBA interviews, you’ll complete a mock session with at least one other Menlo Coaching staff member who is not your consultant.

At Menlo Coaching, our consultants, tutors and associates have what it takes to get you into the right MBA program.
School Selection

While you will typically decide on a preliminary school list before signing up for our comprehensive service, your consultant will make sure that you’ve fully considered the academic strengths, location and culture, and overall ROI of all your potential targets before finalizing your list.

You’ll also read candid campus visit reports from former Menlo Coaching clients, not available to anyone but Menlo Coaching clients.

Once your school selection is finalized, your consultant will help you develop an application strategy for each school, adjusted specifically to match your goals and unique profile strengths.

Crafting Your Career Goal

Whether pivoting to a new career or advancing in your industry, talking through your career goals is another crucial first discussion you’ll have with your consultant.

Articulating your post-MBA goals at the beginning of the process will help form a strong foundation for school research, networking, essay writing, and even interviewing.

As part of this early brainstorming work, you’ll generate a Career Goals Master Document, which will serve as important reference material during the essay writing stage.


An upfront investment in networking will pay off in ways you would never expect.

For example, when it comes time to write your essays, you’ll be able to cite specific people, classes, and qualities that explain how you came to form your post-MBA goals and your interest in each MBA program. 

That’s why, in the early stages, your coach will help you optimize jam-packed networking schedules and teach you to make the most out of every event. You’ll have instant answers to all of the numerous questions that come up about networking etiquette, and you’ll learn best practices for cold outreach to current students.

In fact, we think networking is so important that we’ve built an in-house database of MBA profiles across the T25 for our clients. With some 70,000+ entries, our database is a handy tool for finding potential networking contacts. 

Perfecting Your MBA Resume

Your resume needs to be “MBA” ready—not “job seeking” ready. After all, it’s likely to be the very first document seen by the AdCom.

Draft after draft, your consultant will work with you to ensure that you convey your achievements in concrete, jargon-free terms.

In the process, you’ll start to see your resume from the point of view of an Admissions Officer, a crucial perspective for success. You’ll also gain a better understanding of the skills and experiences that most business schools value—and how to present them in every bullet.

Meeting Deadlines

MBA admissions is a marathon, not a sprint. 

That means, in addition to the major school deadlines at the end of the round, you’ll have lots of smaller deadlines throughout the process.

Breaking the process into manageable steps makes the experience less stressful overall, and it helps to prevent any last-minute rush right before deadlines.

Working in Private Equity, I was used to being in situations where you were pulling a couple of all-nighters to meet a deadline. I did not want any of that to touch my MBA process.

I worked with my consultant as early as possible and just chipped away at it in small bits. I actually finalized my application a week ahead of the submission deadline—that was a new experience for me. When you start early and chip away little by little—the returns compound.

Megan Roberts
Megan Roberts
Admitted to HBS + GSB + Wharton. HBS Class of 2022
New York
Telling Your Story

Our service comes to a head during your personal story call.

The personal story call is a deep dive into your past. During a 1:1 session lasting two hours on average, you and your consultant will explore everything from your childhood to your time in college all the way through to your current job.

As you lead your consultant on a tour through your life, they will take copious notes and ask poignant questions that draw out deeper reflection.

The stories and personal qualities uncovered during your call will feed directly into your Master Story Document, a roadmap to the overarching narrative that you will draw on throughout your application.

Writing Your Essays

If you asked MBA applicants “what is the most challenging aspect of the application?,” the vast majority would say:

Essay writing.

There’s no denying that writing MBA essays can be a daunting task.

But by building on the foundation set in your Master Story Document, your coach will take you through the writing process one essay at a time, providing valuable, timely feedback with every draft.

And because MBA essays tend to fall into one of 4 categories, your consultant will be able to break down the workflow into logical segments—for example, if you’re applying to Harvard Business School, you would always start with the core HBS essay; from here, the rest of the personal essays become incrementally easier to complete.

Guiding Your Recommenders

The importance of recommendation letters is sometimes underestimated by applicants.

But these letters are an external perspective on your candidacy, written by someone who knows you in a professional capacity and can speak to your skills and abilities from firsthand experience—a crucial point of view for MBA Admissions Officers.

Depending on your relationship with each proposed recommender, your consultant will help you select the two people who will know your work well and who will be in the best position to highlight your strengths.

Once both recommenders are on-board, you will step away from the process and your consultant will step in.

Not only will your consultant assist with the nuts and bolts of their letter, but because of their deep understanding of your career history and strengths, they will often be able to provide feedback on the content of the recommendation that your recommender might not have included outright.

Despite having strong relationships with my recommenders, discussing the content of the letter was a tricky task at best. Rebecca stepped into this process, skillfully working with my recommenders so that they could write the best letter possible. Afterward, one of my recommenders commented that working with Rebecca helped him deliver the strong letter that he wanted to, avoiding a few pitfalls that he wasn’t aware of.

Class of 2024: Admitted at Stanford and Wharton
New York
Submission Forms

An MBA application is the sum of numerous details.

As you prepare to submit, it’s vital to make sure that every element is in its place.

Between your consultant and your associate, you’ll have two pairs of eyes reviewing your application forms, looking for any small errors that might add up to something more significant.

Prep for Interviews

As you head into your MBA interviews, you’ll want to feel confident and calm.

Your interview prep will take a number of forms. First, you’ll go through at least one mock interview with your consultant.

In addition to your consultant, you’ll also give a mock interview with our resident MBA interview expert, Obinna Arizor.

Obinna has conducted over 400 actual and mock MBA interviews. He is keenly familiar with the evaluation process and how one’s interview performance complements their written application.

In addition to Obinna, every client also goes through professional communications training with Fearless Communicators, a firm that specializes in developing confident self-expression. 

Working with one of their trainers—including Broadway actors—you’ll learn to harness the power of your presence in the room to make a stronger impression on your interviewers.

This unique approach to MBA interview prep is not offered by any other firm, and for many clients, it becomes a transformational portion of the service, as the skills learned during this portion of our work together will carry into the rest of your professional life. 

I think one of the most helpful processes from Menlo Coaching is the interview preparation. You go about mock interview from different angles, not just with your consultant, but with other people who might not know you as well, so there’s a fresh perspective.

Then the communications training with professional actors teaches you to approach the interview like a stage performance. For the first time in my life, I felt calm and comfortable going into an interview.

Peter Lu
Peter Lu
Harvard Business School, Class of 2023
Accepting an Offer

For an MBA applicant, it’s the best problem to have: choosing between all the schools that accepted you.

Though it’s an enviable position to be in, it can still be difficult to evaluate all your options.

In many ways, your consultant is in the best position to help you make a final decision: through the process, your consultant has come to know you as an MBA applicant better than anyone else, and they will be able to help you decide the right fit for your goals and your personal situation.

Scholarship Negotiation

Once you’ve narrowed your list down, either to a few schools or to just one, there is sometimes room to negotiate scholarship money. 

Your consultant can help you with the proper etiquette for this stage, giving you advice about what’s appropriate to ask for, and how to go about doing it.

If there is room for negotiation at this stage, and you follow the guidance of your consultant, there is a high chance for success.

When I think about what I got out of this process—getting into five schools and into my dream school with a scholarship—and how far I went in just two years, I think about Menlo Coaching. I will always look back and know that Menlo was a critical part of me getting to where I am now. And you know, I don’t think you can really put a price on that.

Jon Lorenz
Julia Bevilaqua
Wharton, Class of 2021

Get A Lifetime Return on Your Investment

Let’s talk numbers.

Enrolling in an MBA program is a financial commitment as much as a time commitment. 

When you add-up tuition, living expenses, and the cost of incidentals like trips, treks, and club events, you’re looking at $280,000 for two years.

Then, you need to factor in the 18 months or so of foregone salary, based on your current compensation.

This is where the calculation becomes highly individual—

For some, the grand total for business school falls somewhere between $400,000-$500,000.

But depending on your current role, the cost can be as high as $1,000,000.

And yet, if you’re reading this, you know the long-term ROI of an MBA offsets the cost:

Lifetime median cash pay for top MBA graduates ranges from $5,000,000 to $8,000,000.

For certain industries, such as Private Equity, the figure can be much higher.

And this is all to say nothing of the value of your post-graduation network, your soft-skill development, and all the other intangible benefits that an MBA can bring.

Like the degree itself, our comprehensive service requires an investment in your future.

You’ll pay between $9,000 and $25,000 to work with our MBA admissions consultants, depending on where and when you are applying.

We understand that this is a premium rate. 

But we believe that our unique approach to MBA admissions is a premium product, and that our personalized, unlimited service model will give you the best chance at admission—

And the best chance to make back your investment in as short a timeframe as possible.


Most directly, by earning an MBA scholarship.

To earn financial aid, you’ll need more than a high GMAT score: you also need to create a high-quality application that demonstrates your unique value to the Admissions Committee.

As this goal is the express aim of our work together, you’ll increase your chances of winning a scholarship simply by completing our structured approach to application writing.

This is why we include scholarship negotiation as a step in our core MBA admissions consulting service, and why so many Menlo Coaching clients make back the cost of our fees before they even begin business school.

At the end of the day, I ended up getting money from the schools, and my coach paid for himself and more—it was absolutely the right investment call. I think it’s definitely some sticker shock when you look at prices in the first place, but I wouldn’t change a thing about what I paid for the comprehensive service. It was easily worth it in the end, and I could not be happier with the end result.

Jon Lorenz
Jon Lorenz
Stanford, Class of 2023

Don’t settle for anything less than individualized, full-time, professional support.

It’s Time to Dramatically Increase Your MBA Odds of Admission

Since 2012, Menlo Coaching’s comprehensive service has helped hundreds of MBA applicants win admission to top MBA programs.

With our holistic approach to admissions, emphasizing total overkill with every step, our clients maximize the return on their time investment and walk away with highly competitive applications.

We can do the same for you, if…

  • You’re ready to work hard
  • You’re open to feedback and collaboration
  • You don’t want to use worksheets or templates to write your essays
  • You are excited to get to know your MBA consultant
  • You will do everything you can to maximize the quality of your applications!

If you’re ready to dive in, fill out our application form so that we can get in touch!

We’ll collect some basic information about your profile and reach out to schedule a consultation.

Trusted by applicants from leading pre-MBA firms.

Key Questions to Ask When Buying MBA Admissions Consulting Services

We hope we’ve convinced you to get in touch with us—we’d be happy to discuss our service, our packages, and overall cost on a consultation call.

In case you want to reach out to other firms, we’d like to share a number of questions we think can help you as you conduct your due diligence.

Of course, feel free to ask us these questions as well!

1. What are the Costs and Packages Available?
Discussing the costs and available packages upfront is essential. Look for services that offer comprehensive support packages tailored to your specific needs. Avoid consultants who prioritize quick sales over detailed, customized help.
2. How Many Successful Admissions Has the Consultant Achieved?
While verifying success rates can be challenging, ask your consultant to provide honest and verifiable reviews and feedback that demonstrate their track record in helping clients achieve admissions.
3. Can You Review Testimonials or Client Reviews of the Consultant’s Services?
Access to authentic client reviews and testimonials can offer insights into the effectiveness and reliability of the admissions support you will receive. Ensure the reviews reflect comprehensive help throughout the admissions process.
4. Does the Consultant Offer Tailored Support to Enhance Your Admission Chances?
An effective coach will assess your strengths and weaknesses to provide tailored advice and support. This should include comprehensive preparation for all aspects of the application process, from GMAT preparation to interviews.
5. Is the Service Tailored to Your Individual Needs?
Ensure the admissions support is customized to your specific requirements. A consultant should offer comprehensive packages that cover everything from essay writing help to interview preparation, ensuring a supportive and tailored experience. By addressing these questions with potential admissions consultants, you can ensure that the services, help, and support provided are comprehensive, honest, and tailored to maximize your chances of success in your MBA admissions journey.