If you’re considering business school, you are likely trying to decide which MBA programs to apply to. It’s not onlly about finding the right fit for you, culturally and professionally, it’s about getting into the best program you can. So, you might be wondering where you’ll likely be accepted. To help answer your questions, we’ve put together some fast facts covering key admission factors to help you determine your odds of getting accepted into the UW Foster MBA Program.
If you’re wondering how difficult it is to get into the UW Foster School of Business, then you’ve come to the right place. On this page, we’ll give you a quick overview of what it takes to get into the University of Washington’s Michael G. Foster School of Business and help you understand whether your profile is a good fit for the UW Foster MBA program.
(Note: This page highlights Foster’s full-time MBA program. The other program options at Foster are the Evening MBA, the Executive MBA, and the Global Executive MBA program.)
Acceptance Rate | Does not disclose |
GMAT Average | 700 |
GPA Average | 3.4 |
Avg. Years Work Experience | 6 |
Source: UW Foster, Class of 2026 data
The top undergraduate majors represented in Foster’s MBA program are Engineering (28%), Business (19%), and Mathematics and Computer Sciences (13%).
Very! Earning a competitive GMAT or GRE score is critical for admission to top MBA programs (competitive meaning 90th percentile or higher) . That’s partly because a high score reflects your potential to succeed in the classroom—and it’s also because business schools rely on high test scores to maintain their position in the rankings.
As with everything else MBA-related, at Menlo Coaching, we take a practical, no-nonsense approach to GMAT and GRE prep. Our curriculum is based on 100% official material and is designed to help you earn a high score in as little time as possible. So if you’re applying for a top MBA program, let us help you get started on the right foot.
The undergraduate universities most represented in Foster’s MBA class profile are:
If your undergraduate college is listed above, that means that Foster has accepted many applicants with your education background in the past. It also shows that candidates who have gone to these schools have considered applying to Foster, and it is one indication that the business school has found students who have completed their undergraduate education at these universities to be successful.
The pre-MBA companies that are most represented in the Foster MBA class are:
Individuals who have shown the ability to produce high-quality academic work, who have good written and verbal communication skills, and who can contribute to the diversity of the student body and the ranks of professional leaders are selected for the Foster MBA Program.
Interested in finding out more about Foster? Visit our UW Foster overview page.
Discover your chances of admission to the Washington Foster MBA program with our comprehensive MBA admissions consulting services.