Commodities Trader Admitted to HBS with Merit Scholarships 

Jacob worked at Citi, focusing on hedging renewable energy, before beginning his MBA journey. After being accepted to seven out of nine schools and securing a combination of 400K in merit scholarships, he accepted an offer at Harvard Business School.

Applicant Stats


  • Undergraduate Institution
    University of Mississippi
  • Pre-MBA Industry: 
    Commodities Trading
  • Career Goals: 
    Become a Chief Sustainability Officer
  • Admitted At:
    HBS, Columbia, Yale, Booth, Haas, Wharton, Fuqua
  • Coach:

Highlights From Jacob’s Story

#1 Navigating the Process

To coordinate his MBA journey with his wife who was also applying to graduate school, Jacob needed help to navigate the application process. Looking to maximize opportunities across a wide range of schools, he appreciated Menlo Coaching’s flexibility and support with evaluating which school would be the best fit for him.

#2 The Best Part 

Jacob describes how digging into his story and working on how to frame it for the MBA essays was a cathartic experience. Moreover, working on the interview preparation with the Fearless Communicators was a great asset when he was preparing to interview for eight schools. These were his favorite parts of the process.  

#3 Working with Rebecca

Jacob enjoyed working with his coach, Rebecca, and appreciated her professional, encouraging and empathetic approach. Working with her was fantastic, as she sensitively navigated different elements in the essay and application. She was timely and insightful. 

#4 Advice for MBA applicants

Jacob shares two thoughts for future applicants. Start early and talk to current students and recent alumni! Building these networks helped Jacob differentiate the MBA programs in his essays and most importantly, gave him clarity as to which schools would fit him best. 

For comprehensive support on your applications to top MBA programs, contact us to get started.

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